March 22, 2010

New and Improved Female Condom 2

According to, statistics show that the leading cause of death among African-Americans ages 25-34 nationwide is HIV/AIDS.  In particular, our nation's capital is said to have one of the highest HIV/AIDS rates in the country.  With the new and improved female condom, Washington D.C.'s HIV/AIDS, STD, TB and Hepatitis administration, and a half-million dollar grant from MAC cosmetics, people are taking to the streets, beauty salons, and nail salons to reach the most at-risk communities of women. 

As was written in the February 14, 2010 post, Women on Top: Loving Our to Love Others, I think that in addition to consistant and correct use of condoms, what is most important in the fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS among women is not only the education of condom negotiation and use, but the outreach and conciousness raising of women to take control of her sexual boundaries and knowledge about herself.  Women need to be thinking and speaking aloud to one another about our sexual selves withour shame or embarresment but with pride, power and self-assurance! The WCC will continue to post about this topic, so stay tuned!


  1. ayanda qwabeApril 09, 2013

    I would like to thank this oportunity of the female condom it giving us women a power to stand for ourselve towards gives opportunity to for our ground and take charge of of our own lives.

  2. Thank you for your comment, Ayanda. Stay in touch with us over at!


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