April 21, 2010

Earth Day Special: Speaking Her Voice - Rachel Carson

I recently watched a documentary Earth Days on the history of the modern environmental movement and was moved by the work of Rachel Carson, founder of the contemporary environmental movement.  What I was most moved by was not necessarily her groundbreaking findings and progressive ideas, but her persistence in having her voice heard despite many dissenting opinions and full out attacks by the chemical industry and those alike opposing her views. 

In one of her most well known books, Silent Spring published in 1962, she "challenged the practices of agricultural scientists and the government, and called for a change in the way humankind viewed the natural world" as shared by her biographer Linda Lear in her 1997 book on Carson, Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature.

On this Earth Day 2010, please share with us, your family, friends and community in celebrating the voice of Rachel Carson who was a fierce advocate for our Mother Earth.  Pass along this post in honor of Earth Day and all the fearless women in your life!

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