October 26, 2011

Feminist Social Work Practice - Continuing Education Class

Hello, WCC Community! I wanted to share with you an upcoming opportunity for professional development!

I (Carly) am offering at Bryn Mawr College - The Center for Professional Development a continuing education class for professional social workers, professionals counselors and marriage and family therapists - Feminist Social Work Practice.

Feminist Social Work Practice
December 9, 2011
3 CEUs - $65

Course Description:

There is little current writing or opportunity for discussion about the impact of contemporary feminist theory on 21st century social work practice and scholarship.  This workshop is designed to offer social workers an opportunity to gain an awareness and understanding of feminist theory in the context of social work practice.  Participants of this workshop will 1) gain a basic awareness and understanding of feminist theory in the context of social work practice; 2) discuss how gender-conscious services and programming can support social workers’ professional growth and work with clients; and 3) evaluate their current professional needs for expanding the work with clients from a gender-conscious perspective.  Central to this seminar is addressing the needs of women of various racial, ethnic, cultural, class, sexual, and national backgrounds. Participants are encouraged to present case examples that would benefit from exploration from a gender-conscious perspective, while maintaining the confidentiality of their client.  Handouts and educational materials will be provided. This workshop is appropriate for all levels of post master’s degreed practitioners who work in direct practice.

Carly Goldberg, MSW, LCSW, is founder and director of the Women’s Collaborative Circle, Bryn Mawr, PA, and is a doctoral candidate at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy and Practice specializing in feminist theory and social work practice.

For more information and to register please visit Bryn Mawr College Center for Professional Development website.

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